The matter of whether or not Vermont Yankee is allowed to extend its state-issued license (if you don't recall our post on this a while ...
Surry 1 & 2 uprate approved by NRC
The NRC has approved an uprate of the two Westinghouse PWR plants at Virginia Power & Light's Surry Nuclear Power Station. These pl...
Dominion will build, even if it isn't nuclear
This article in Business Week describes the indication by Dominion Resources that it needs to increase its base load generating capacity - ...
State of the Renaissance
I can't put it any better than this article , just published in Industry Week and which is worth reading in whole. I've given the li...
FitzPatrick plant operation US record
Entergy's James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant (GE BWR-I, 2536 MWt / 852 MWe, online July 28, 1975) just set a US record with 702 da...
Awaiting shakeout of Piketon hearing
This article explained the meeting that was to be held the 13th for public discussion of construction of a new nuclear plant in Ohio. We...
Small RX plant at Savannah River?
World Nuclear News reported on the 10th that Hyperion has a fresh agreement with the DoE to construct one of its proprietary small, fast rea...
Looking back: Vallecitos
As I continue to follow the progress of the various projects here and abroad to advance nuclear energy, I can't help but wonder if we...
A good day for Westinghouse?
Another hurdle for Vogtle cleared; click here to read a brief AP piece reporting that a draft report issued by the NRC has vacated any envi...
FPL / Turkey Point 6 & 7 project funding
Rate increases have been approved for customers of Florida Power & Light, which is on track to acquire funds to construct two more gener...
Icebreaker LENIN
Our atomic showpiece vessel was, and remains, the N.S. Savannah; you can find links to see a great deal about this ship on this blog's h...