The 89th installment of the rotating Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers is up over at my friend Dan Yurman's IDAHO SAMIZDAT nuclear blog. This...
National Nuclear Science Week - Day 4
National Nuclear Science Week - Day 4 NUCLEAR SAFETY Here is a link to today's official NNSW site posting. Safety has been a prime cons...
Nuclear Icebreakers 101
An addendum for National Nuclear Science Week - Day 3 In the previous post I gave the briefest overview of the history of the Russian fleet ...
National Nuclear Science Week - Day 3
National Nuclear Science Week - Day 3 Nuclear Energy Generation Today's topic is well introduced with NNSW's official daily post. At...
National Nuclear Science Week - Day 2
National Nuclear Science Week - Day 2 Careers in the Nuclear Fields The update on APR concerning nuclear careers has actually already been i...
National Nuclear Science Week - Day 1
NATIONAL NUCLEAR SCIENCE WEEK Day 1: "Get to Know Nuclear" Today is the first day of NNSW, and as we look at the official website ...
Boroscope at Fukushima Daiichi No. 2 inconclusive
TEPCO has completed the first examination inside any of the primary containment vessels at Fukushima Daiichi, using a boroscope inserted int...
I told you so!
I find the ability to make this post MOST gratifying. Let's take a look back at an old APR post from the still-unsure time following the...
Frontline on PBS: "Nuclear Aftershocks."
NEI has made two posts today in response to the Frontline special (you can translate that as 'hack job' if you'd like) on nuclea...
APR medical time-out
Regular readers may have noticed a very recent 'radio silence' on the part of Atomic Power Review. We are experiencing a medical eme...
New TEPCO video on APR YouTube - January 13
It certainly is interesting that two days after this blog noted what appeared to be a complete and total shutoff of anything other than the ...
Babcock & Wilcox shuffles businesses
Babcock & Wilcox has clearly divided its nuclear business into two operating entities as of today; one concerned with conventional nucle...
Nuclear Lunch, Fukushima, and other issues.
Yesterday marked the third Ohio meeting of Nuclear Bloggers, an event that saw the full two hours we'd set aside totally filled with a r...
Carnival No. 86 is now up!
NEI Nuclear Notes is hosting this week's Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers. This rotating feature contains posts from the best pro-nuclear bl...
British nuclear stress tests: Results are in
According to this report , the Office for Nuclear Regulation (the British nuclear regulatory body) has indicated a satisfactory result for t...
AAAS Symposium on Nuclear Reporting
Thanks to Nicole Stricker, PhD, who is the Science Press Officer at the Idaho National Laboratory, I've been made aware of a very intere...
An update on the Russian submarine fire.
There are new photos and reports out which indicate that the fire which recently occurred while a Russian Delta IV class SSBN was drydocked ...
Carnival No. 85
Meredith Angwin at "Yes Vermont Yankee," one of my favorite blogs, put up what is to be the last Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers of 2...