Breaking News
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Info Post
Given his prior history relative to TMI-2, one wonders whether Robert Leppzer is trying to "show all sides" at Vermont Yankee or whether he's trying to torpedo the nuclear power industry. Looking here, we see that Entergy is going to allow Leppzer to accompany an inspection team at Vermont Yankee and probably take a camera. Now, we all know that this plant has had some bad PR relative to tritium in groundwater, but you have to imagine Leppzer smells something and thinks he's going to score with it.

Perhaps Leppzer really does want to show all sides - we'll have to wait and see what the slant of his documentary is. If the final product appears on PBS we'll probably know the outcome before watching, given PBS's slightly left, very enviro- bias.

Speaking of left, note the quote from the article:

"I believe, at their core, that Entergy is likely incapable of transparency," said Rep. Sarah Edwards, a Brattleboro Progressive. "It is not part of their business model or culture. "

Really!? Is that part of Entergy's mission statement? Come on, now. There's no need for such hyperbole, Ms. Edwards.


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