Breaking News
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Info Post
We've just added a new volume to the APRA library here, which is a part of our historical research for the study on the early history of atomic power in the United States. This volume, "The Economics of Nuclear and Coal Power" by Saunders Miller and which was published by Praeger in 1976 was written at that critical time point at which the economics of atomic power essentially were considered to have turned. As many of us know, it wasn't TMI that made the industry go dormant; no new orders for nuclear plants had been placed since 1978. That was before TMI. This study, performed two years prior to the final orders of the time, is something we've been seeking as a proper endpoint for the first volume of the study and it already appears to contain all the information we'll need on that historical point.

Work on that volume, and the first in our monograph series which will cover historical and technical aspects of the PWR project (Shippingport Atomic Power Station) progresses smoothly.


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