Recently, we were all fairly interested to see the effect in Japan when it was revealed that Kyushu Electric Power Company carried out an e-...
Nuclear Energy in Japan: July 27, 2011
TEPCO has released a video of the QUINCE robot inside No. 3 reactor building on July 26th. See it at the APR YouTube Channel: ATOMIC POWER R...
Nuclear Energy in Japan: Genkai pressure vessel embrittlement
Today in Japan there are a number of reports in circulation concerning a report given by a Tokyo professor in the field of metal physics to ...
Nuclear Energy in Japan: July 25, 2011
FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI UPDATE Conditions at the site are essentially as reported before, with some expected problems. Perhaps most notable is the...
Site update for regular readers
Site note: Your author has just finished taking a brief time off, after the release (officially, that is) that TEPCO has completed the first...
Nuclear Energy in Japan: Tuesday July 19, 2011
FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI UPDATE -The Japanese government and TEPCO have modified their overall timeline for recovery from the Fukushima Daiichi acc...
NRC Chairman Jaczko - Speech at NPC
NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko has just finished a speech and Q&A session at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. This writer watche...
Carnival @ ANS Nuclear Cafe
This week finds the 61st Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers hosted at the American Nuclear Society's ANS Nuclear Cafe blog; link below. CARNIV...
TEPCO replaces dry well pressure gauges
TEPCO apparently agreed with this author (without consultation, I might add) that its pressure indications at No. 2 and No. 3 plant for dry ...
New video: No. 2 reactor building at Fukushima Daiichi
The APR YouTube channel now has a new video posted: TEPCO has released a video for the press showing a tour (of sorts) by a robot inside the...
TEPCO, Japanese Gov't: "Reactors Stabilized"
Developing 9:00 PM Eastern. NHK in Japan now is reporting that Tokyo Electric Power Company and the Japanese Government have announced in a ...
Nuclear in Japan / USA / Around the world: July 15
We find ourselves today at a point both roughly four months after the Fukushima Daiichi Accident began and at which we find nuclear energy a...
Nuclear Energy in Japan: July 15 brief update
-TEPCO has begun nitrogen injection into No. 3 plant's dry well at Fukushima Daiichi. -The Japanese government is now reported as taking...
Nuclear Energy in Japan: July 13, 2011
Beginning with this entry, we will begin combining our regular Fukushima Daiichi updates with other nuclear energy news items from Japan. Th...
Fukushima Daiichi: Almost at a milestone
It would appear that a number of the most important priorities of the recovery effort at the Fukushima Daiichi plant are about to be achieve...
Fukushima Daiichi Bulletins
Four bulletins this morning; full details and more photos later today. -TEPCO has repaired and tested the spent fuel pool cooling and filter...
Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers comes to APR
60th Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers Atomic Power Review is very proud to host, for the first time, the rotating Carnival. This feature present...
Kyushu Electric Power, and public trust
Several Japanese media outlets are now carrying various stories about the Genkai Nuclear Station, its owner-operator Kyushu Electric Power, ...
Fukushima Daiichi / Japan Update: Wednesday July 6, 2011
NUCLEAR IN JAPAN / FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI NHK is reporting that a poll it took of 28 prefectures and local governments has revealed that five mun...
Carnival at "Yes Vermont Yankee"
The 59th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Blogs is now posted over at "Yes Vermont Yankee." APR is featured there with the most recent p...
Fukushima Daiichi update: Sunday July 3, 2011
There are two situations to discuss at the site as of now, in addition to the post made yesterday about conditions at Fukushima Daiichi. Fir...
Fukushima Daiichi Update: Saturday July 2, 2011
There is little significant news to report from the site over the last several days; here are the highlights. -Further inspection of the spe...
New video on APR YouTube
Another new, experimental and introductory level video is now up at the APR YouTube Channel. This new video covers the topic of Pressure Su...