I find myself on this December 23rd, making the Atomic Power Review entry hosting the 136th Carnival, thinking about all of the great achiev...
Electrabel / GDF Suez submit restart plan for Doel 3, Tihange 2
Some time back, there was a great deal of attention paid to the finding of flaws in the reactor vessel at Belgium's Doel Unit 3. Click ...
Mitsubishi S/G tube testing has no bearing on San Onofre Unit 2 restart plans
Below is a press release from Southern California Edison, concerning the recent finding by the NRC that steam generator tube testing bei...
Nuclear Export Controls Summit - Press Release
Infocast press release below. ----------------------------------- Infocast Presents Nuclear Export Controls 2013, Regulators and Experienc...
12/7 Japan Earthquake - No Nuclear Plant Damage Reported
At 5:18 PM Tokyo time on December 7, a magnitude 7.3 (Richter) / 4 (Japanese intensity scale) earthquake occurred in roughly the same region...
Argentina's Atucha Unit 2 to be on line mid-2013
Below is the Google translation, with some alterations by your occasionally Spanish-speaking author, of a release new today from Nucleoelect...
EDG investigation at San Onofre - SCE reported to NRC
Below is a press release from Southern California Edison, courtesy Jennifer Manfre, Senior Manager, Media Relations for SCE. This release c...
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Virtual Tour
Press release from Southern California Edison, courtesy Jennifer Manfre, Senior Manager, Media Relations for SCE. --------------------------...
More on DOE SMR funding; Westinghouse press release
As expected, there have been a number of further press releases made after the announcement that the DOE had selected the Generation mPower ...
DOE awards SMR funds to B&W / TVA / Bechtel
Below is the text of a DOE press release from around 45 minutes ago as I post it: ------------------------------------------- Energy Departm...
Site update; new links / references for readers
I've added a very large number of links in the right sidebar, for the convenience of APR readers who wish to be able to get right to pla...
ANS Winter Meeting ends on high note
Readers of Atomic Power Review likely saw the posts on ANS Nuclear Cafe covering various meeting events, as well as live Twitter commentary...
ANS Winter Meeting!
It's almost time for me to fly off to San Diego, California for the ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo. Click here for deta...
NEI: "Nuclear Energy Facilities Prove Resilience" (Press Release)
Press release from the Nuclear Energy Institute: -------------------- Nuclear Energy Institute FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: 202.739.8000 F...
SITREP on Nuclear Plants - 1 PM 10/30
Several links to pass along with this update.. -NRC has issued a fresh press release, which includes little different information that we...
Entergy's Northeast Nuclear Plants Safely Weather Hurricane Sandy
Below is a press release from Entergy Nuclear. --------------------- October 30, 2012 For Immediate Release Contact: Jerry Nappi Indian P...
7:45 AM Nuclear Plant SITREP - Hurricane Sandy
Updates on new information since last night: -Indian Point Unit 3 has been shut down due to grid issues; Unit 2 remains at full power. UPDAT...
Hurricane Sandy update -- 11:00 PM Eastern 10/29
Ten minutes ago, the Indian Point twitter account reported that Indian Point, Vermont Yankee and Pilgrim were all still on line producing po...
Hurricane Sandy - Preparation at Nuclear Power Plants
Below is a link to an NRC document covering which nuclear stations are expected to be affected by Hurricane Sandy, all of which are receivin...
128th Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers
Atomic Power Review is proud to host the 128th edition of the Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers - that weekly event which focuses attention on th...