Breaking News
Friday, November 9, 2012

Info Post
It's almost time for me to fly off to San Diego, California for the ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo.  Click here for details about this great event!

I will be working for ANS reporting on various events and topics at the meeting, which will include but isn't limited to reporting on technical presentations for the ANS Nuclear Cafe blog (for which I already write, as many of you know) and doing live tweets of other sessions under the ANS banner, which you can find on Twitter as @ans_org.  I will also do tweets under my own 'handle' which is @atomicnews. (The official hashtag for the meeting is #ANS12 or #ans12.)  There will also be blog posts about what's going on behind the scenes and / or things that 'just come up' if they're newsworthy.

For those who aren't aware, I work under contract to the ANS .. and I'm also, of course, a member!

I will be leading the Social Media meeting on Wednesday, which will be held in the ANS Media Center at 12 Noon.  The time available for this is one hour.  If you are wondering whether or not your, or your company, can benefit from the use of the various social media to communicate about nuclear you need to attend this meeting or send someone to it.  Further, if you or your company already does use social media effectively .. or ineffectively .. attend the meeting or send someone and let us know.  Either we can help you.. or you might just bring up something everyone there can take away and apply in their own work.  Here is the ANS Nuclear Cafe post on this meeting.

I'll also be at the ANS Public Information Committee meeting on Sunday as a participant; I have a couple of short presentations to give and Dan Yurman, who cannot attend, has authorized me to sit on the Committee by Proxy.  THANK YOU, Dan! 

So, keep an eye on Atomic Power Review and on the ANS Nuclear Cafe.  There will be multiple posts on the ANS blog from a number of authors, and I will probably be posting a few interesting things here that aren't under my ANS contracted duties.  Looks like I'll be quite busy in sunny, warm San Diego.  It's a rough job.

7:00 AM Eastern 11/9/2012


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