Breaking News
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Info Post
A fresh press release from Westinghouse indicates that the company will team with Ameren Missouri to fund and construct a 225 MWe Westinghouse SMR at Ameren Missouri's Callaway site.

Callaway hosts a single Westinghouse SNUPPS PWR reactor plant (one of two completed - the other being Wolf Creek.)

Click here for Westinghouse's press release.

Click here for Ameren's release including a link to the Missouri Governor's release.

Click here to see the Westinghouse SMR page.

Click here to access the official site for Callaway Plant.

2:52 PM Eastern 4/19


This plan appears to serve Westinghouse's intent to firmly compete in the SMR field (against established competitors NuScale, which has plans to build in South Carolina, and Babcock & Wilcox / Bechtel who have plans to build at the former Clinch River Breeder Reactor site in Tennessee.) This establishes three reactor vendors firmly in the SMR field and seems to assure a future for this type of nuclear power generation, at least in the short term.


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