Not too long ago, Atomic Power Review was a media partner for an Infocast symposium in Washington D.C. on commercializing Small Modular Reac...
Hurricanes and nuclear power plants
As many of us are already aware, nuclear power plants have been safely withstanding the worst weather that happens in the US (tornadoes, hur...
NRC Social Media Usage Survey
A while back, I took part in a telephone interview with Booz-Allen-Hamilton, who are providing consulting services to the NRC on the NRC...
SCE Defueling San Onofre Unit 3
Below is a press release from Southern California Edison direct to APR thanks to Scott L. Andresen of SCE. -------------------- Southern Cal...
Westinghouse study for seventh plant at Kozloduy, Bulgaria
Below is a press release from Westinghouse. -------------------- Westinghouse Awarded Contract to Provide Feasibility Study for Hybrid React...
San Onofre exits both Unusual Events (Press Release)
Below is a press release just received (12:45 AM Eastern) from SCE courtesy Jennifer Manfre. -------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Med...
SCE / San Onofre (SONGS) Event closed out
SCE reports that the Notification of Unusual Event status was closed out as of 8:17 PM California time, which was 11:17 PM Eastern time. ...
San Onofre - Second Notification of Unusual Event due to earthquakes
This has just come in at 7:14 PM Eastern, in response to the second NOUE issued for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. This is a press ...
SCE press release on California earthquakes, SONGS 8/26
Press release direct from SCE - thanks to Jennifer Manfre. -------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Media Relations (626) 3...
San Onofre - Notification of Unusual Event 8/26
Roughly half an hour ago, SCE (Southern California Edison) reported by Twitter that operators at the shut down San Onofre Nuclear Generating...
Carnival 119 at Yes Vermont Yankee now.
The 119th Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers is up at Yes Vermont Yankee right now! Click here to access Carnival 119. Meredith Angwin always does...
Angra-1 celebrates 30 year anniversary
On this coming Tuesday, August 28, 2012, a celebration will be held to commemorate three decades of safe operation of the Angra-1 reactor pl...
One of our best spokespeople; Simona De Silvestro
We all can name some top pro-nuclear spokespeople we know - whether they're known for standing in front of crowds, or TV cameras, or whe...
SCE Press Release - Staffing Reduction at SONGS
Following is a press release direct from SCE, courtesy Jennifer Manfre. -------------------- Media Contact: Jennifer Manfre, (626) 302-2255 ...
SYLCOR WESTERN OFFICE 3: THE BUSINESS Make sure you see Part 1 and Part 2 of this story! When Jim V. arrived in California, he didn't...
SYLCOR WESTERN OFFICE 2: GETTING THE BALL ROLLING It's been a while since we looked at Jim V's adventure in nuclear energy with Syl...
Pressure vessel flaws at Doel-3 detected
Your author's latest piece of work, concerning the detection of flaws in the pressure vessel at Belgium's Doel-3 nuclear plant durin...
NRC holds up licensing, relicensing over waste storage issue (with UPDATES)
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission voted (in a unanimous vote) to halt relicensing of existing nuclear power plants in the US, and to halt li...
Hamaoka No. 5 seriously contaminated with seawater
New interviews given by representatives of Chubu Electric Power Company and Japanese regulatory bodies now indicate that the previously anno...