Below is a press release from Southern California Edison, courtesy Jennifer Manfre, Senior Manager, Media Relations for SCE. This release c...
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Virtual Tour
Press release from Southern California Edison, courtesy Jennifer Manfre, Senior Manager, Media Relations for SCE. --------------------------...
More on DOE SMR funding; Westinghouse press release
As expected, there have been a number of further press releases made after the announcement that the DOE had selected the Generation mPower ...
DOE awards SMR funds to B&W / TVA / Bechtel
Below is the text of a DOE press release from around 45 minutes ago as I post it: ------------------------------------------- Energy Departm...
Site update; new links / references for readers
I've added a very large number of links in the right sidebar, for the convenience of APR readers who wish to be able to get right to pla...
ANS Winter Meeting ends on high note
Readers of Atomic Power Review likely saw the posts on ANS Nuclear Cafe covering various meeting events, as well as live Twitter commentary...
ANS Winter Meeting!
It's almost time for me to fly off to San Diego, California for the ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo. Click here for deta...