As of this morning, there has been exceedingly little new information released about Sunday's industrial accident at ANO Generating Stat...
OSHA sending team to Arkansas Nuclear One
The following link will lead to a Platts story covering OSHA having dispatched a team to the Arkansas Nuclear One site. OSHA INVESTIGATORS T...
Arkansas Nuclear One update - 2:40 PM Eastern
The NRC's blog has clarified the situation of the shutdown of Unit 2 somewhat. Apparently the damage caused by the generator stator fal...
SCE Draft License Amendment for SONGS Unit 2 restart
Press release from Southern California Edison follows: ---------- Media Contact: Media Relations, (626) 302-2255 Investor Relations Contact:...
ANO-1 Event Report - Industrial Accident 3/31
Below is the Event Report from the NRC website. ------------------------- Facility: ARKANSAS NUCLEAR Region: 4 State: AR Unit: [1] [2] [ ] R...
Industrial Accident at ANO-1
RELEASE FROM ENTERGY NUCLEAR FOLLOWS. ----------------------- Significant Industrial Accident at Arkansas Nuclear One Russellville, Ark. – A...
Carnival of Nuclear Energy 150
Atomic Power Review is proud to host the 150th edition of the Carnival of Nuclear Energy today; even though this Carnival falls on Easter, i...
Haiyang Unit 1 sets Containment Vessel Head
Press release from Westinghouse Electric Corporation follows: ---------- WESTINGHOUSE ANNOUNCES SUCCESSFUL SETTING OF AP1000 ® CONTAINMENT V...
SCE Considers Futher License Amendment for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station
Press release from Southern California Edison reproduced below. ---------- SCE Considers License Amendment for San Onofre Nuclear Plant RO...
Palisades and Pressurized Thermal Shock: 3/18 Entergy Statement
The following statement was released today by Entergy concerning the Palisades plant both on its dedicated Palisades website and also on it...
SoCal Ed submits Operational Assessment Requested by NRC
3/18 - Press Release from Southern California Edison. ---------- Southern California Edison Submits Operational Assessment Requested by NR...
Westinghouse Statements on V.C. Summer, Vogtle nuclear concrete pours
Westinghouse Electric Corporation statements on this week's nuclear plant construction events -- the first "nuclear concrete" ...
V.C. Summer Unit 2 basemat poured (March 11th)
SCANA / SCE&G press release below, courtesy NEI. ---------- SCE&G Completes First Nuclear Concrete Placement CAYCE, S.C., March 11, ...
First Nuclear Concrete at Plant Vogtle Expansion
Georgia Power press release below, March 14, 2013. ---------- First nuclear concrete placed at Plant Vogtle expansion Significant mileston...
Fukushima Daiichi - Two Year Anniversary 3/11/2013
There are readers following this blog who have been on board since the days and weeks following the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami ...
San Onofre: MHI document release by NRC and what it really means
On Friday, late in the afternoon (but not late enough to bypass all of the media cycle) the NRC released documents that it had requested fro...