Below is a press release just received from Babcock & Wilcox. -------------------- B&W Refutes Taxpayers for Common Sense’s Mischara...
SCE Responds to Latest NRC Requests 2/26
Below is a press release from Southern California Edison, regarding the ongoing San Onofre situation. ---------- Southern California Edison ...
Carnival 145
It's time for the 145th edition of the Carnival of Nuclear Energy. Every week, the top pro-nuclear bloggers get together and decide whi...
Site updates / Added links
It's time to point out a few of the added links here on Atomic Power Review. I frequently add links to two places on this site as I fin...
Nuclear Advocacy and Information - Videos
Some time back, I featured a video on the Atomic Power Review YouTube Channel that showcases INDY Car driver Simona de Silvestro, who makes ...
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Blizzard-related Outage
Over the weekend, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station experienced what is referred to as a LOOP or Loss Of Offsite Power event and shut down. Man...
Tube Wear Insights from San Onofre Reviewed at NRC Meeting
{SCE Press Release Courtesy Jennifer Manfre.} Tube Wear Insights from San Onofre Nuclear Plant Reviewed at NRC Meeting ROSEMEAD, Calif., F...
Pilgrim LOOP / NOUE
Last evening (2/8) as a result of the blizzard burying the Northeast of the United States, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Massachusetts s...
FANC Approves Electrabel / GDF Suez Action Plan
Briefly, for FANC (the Belgian nuclear regulator) has not made an official release on the web yet, it has been reported several places today...
SCE Responses to Boxer / Markey Letter
It has now become fairly widely reported that Senator Barbara Boxer (D) and Representative Ed Markey (D) have written a letter to the NRC su...
Crystal River to Decommission
PRESS RELEASE / DUKE ENERGY -------------------------------- Crystal River Nuclear Plant to be retired; company evaluating sites for potenti...
Electrabel / February 4 press release - Doel 3, Tihange 2
Below is the translated text of a new press release from Electrabel / GDF Suez. -------------------- Restarting Tihange Doel 3 and 2: E...
SCE provides response to NRC questions
Below is a press release from Southern California Edison, courtesy Maureen Brown, which covers the latest developments in the issue of the S...