NISA, or for those who are recently joined readers, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, has instructed TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Com...
Browns Ferry - LOOP
Relatively lost in the tragedy in the southern part of the USA is the fact that Browns Ferry experienced a total Loss Of Offsite Power, caus...
Friday evening update
A few new details from Fukushima Daiichi... TEPCO has released a very brief look into the spent fuel pool at No. 4 plant. TEPCO has reduced ...
NISA 'instructs' TEPCO to report....
TEPCO has been ordered by NISA to provide an operational history, including all the way back to the original Great East Japan Earthquake, in...
Fukushima Daiichi: More construction equipment...
Here are some interesting official TEPCO pictures of the kinds of equipment being used on site, with our commentary. We've already seen ...
TEPCO revises fuel damage estimates...
TEPCO, according to NHK, has revised its fuel damage estimates for the three reactor plants at Fukushima Daiichi with installed cores. TEPCO...
Wednesday morning update... Fukushima Daiichi
TEPCO will be increasing the amount of water injected to No. 1 plant incrementally and checking the results, preparatory to filling the prim...
Chernobyl: Plant background
We've examined some of the reasons why the Chernobyl accident happened, and some of the plant design features here on this blog. What...
Some more irrelevance.
You'll see some coverage in the press of an anti-nuclear protest in Austria. Austria? That's right! A country with no nuclear pow...
Further brief details on Fukushima Daiichi
Just to add a couple details from the general Japanese press on the situation: TEPCO has shown a map of the rad levels on site. The discover...
Chernobyl anniversary... and events today
As we find ourselves, incredibly, at the 25 year anniversary of the accident at Chernobyl, we read that Dmitri Medvedev has been quoted in t...
Monday afternoon update: Fukushima Daiichi
Primary plant temperatures continue to remain well in control at plants No. 1 through 3, even if there is little or no flow through the core...
Saturday afternoon update...
Temperatures and pressures in the three reactor plants suffering accidents at Fukushima Daiichi remain steady, even slightly lowering. This ...
Reflections on public opinion after TMI
Considering the number of articles being published world wide, the bailout on nuclear by Germany and Italy, the ongoing bad press TEPCO and ...
Friday morning update.... it's Earth Day
Plant data from Fukushima Daiichi remains fairly constant, with the reactor plants showing continued slow cooling. In fact, it's been re...
Italy bails on a nuclear future...
Reported fairly widely right now is the fact that the Italian government has decided not to pursue further plans for nuclear power plants, o...
SCE&G / Santee Cooper plans progressing...
South Carolina Electric & Gas / Santee Cooper's plan to build two Westinghouse AP1000 plants at the existing Virgil C. Summer Nuclea...
Some technical and time details at Fukushima Daiichi
We've been waiting for a LONG time now to see some actual technical details emerge about just what kinds of systems the plants at Fukush...
South Texas 3 and 4 now NO GO
NRG Energy has pulled out of the project to add two more reactor plants to the South Texas Project. TEPCO had been an investor in this proj...
AREVA awarded water treatment plant contract...
AREVA, of France, has been awarded the first post-accident contract at Fukushima Daiichi. This company will construct on-site a large water...
Western vs. Japanese reporting....
As mentioned here, TEPCO has begun pumping the radioactively contaminated water from No. 2 plant over to the site radwaste building, which i...
Vermont Yankee on the block due to Fukushima Daiichi
The long-time readers of this blog might recall last year's various comments on the entire Vermont Yankee situation vis a vis licensing ...
Monday night update: Fukushima Daiichi
NISA has announced that TEPCO is now actually pumping the highly contaminated water from No. 2 plant's turbine building to the radwaste ...
RBMK-1000 plants still operating
There have been so many comments, and e-mails about the Soviet-designed RBMK-1000 channel type, graphite-moderated BWR plants inquiring as t...
Surry Power Station: Tornado touchdown on site
The NRC has released the following data: At about 6:49 PM on the evening of Saturday, April 16th a tornado touched down on the Surry Power S...
Monday early afternoon update
The plant status at Fukushima Daiichi is, at the moment, quite stable... and it's refreshing to note that there have been no sharp chang...
TEPCO plans: further details....
There are very many problems that TEPCO has to address in its response to the accident at Fukushima Daiichi; not surprisingly, the volume of...
Fukushima Daiichi: No. 5 and 6
Right now we're looking at the voluminous material available on the TEPCO plan, and one thing just jumped out which is worth noting in a...
TEPCO press conference
---TEPCO holds elaborate press conference in Tokyo with many plans. Here are some of the most important technical details, briefly. TEPCO w...
New cooling systems at Fukushima Daiichi...
I've just read the first concrete piece of evidence about how the new systems TEPCO is planning to install will work. Apparently, the id...
Saturday morning update
Unfortunately, your author suddenly became quite ill yesterday and hasn't been on his feet since. However, he's back vertical tempo...
Brief update: Temperatures at Fukushima Daiichi 1,2,3
JAIF has posted its 10:00 AM (Tokyo time) update of general data and plant condition and according to the feed nozzle temperature readings, ...
Thursday evening update
TEPCO is indicating that it might not be prepared to properly store the highly contaminated water at No. 2 plant in new tanks until perhaps ...
Fukushima Daiichi: Reactor cores
We've just seen a spokesman for a high-level group convened to consult TEPCO in plans of action at Fukushima Daiichi make a comment that...
FACTS: Decommissioning of nuclear power plants
-Many people everywhere are asking questions about the dismantling of nuclear power plants, because this aspect of power plant operation is ...