Breaking News
Monday, April 18, 2011

Info Post
The plant status at Fukushima Daiichi is, at the moment, quite stable... and it's refreshing to note that there have been no sharp changes in plant status or remotely indicated figures in quite a few days.

Readers might, given this, wonder why I'm making a post. I have two points to make.

1. The rad levels discovered by the robots inside the reactor buildings are NOT surprising, contrary to some press reports, given the condition of the reactors. Much higher levels have been encountered in previous accidents.

2. Many, many press outlets are already using the term "sarcophagus" for the enclosures planned by TEPCO. Readers here know better. There will be two phases of enclosure; first, a fabric type enclosure on steel framing that will prevent aerial release of contamination, and later a concrete and steel building surrounding the original (damaged) reactor buildings. This second enclosure will provide weather protection to workers dismantling the plants, and prevent any further spread of contamination.

It is important to note that the press is trying to imply - wrongly - that TEPCO intends to permanently surround / bury the plants and leave them alone. This could not be more incorrect.

Two groups of firms - one comprised of Toshiba, Westinghouse, Babcock & Wilcox, and The Shaw Group, and the other comprised of Hitachi, General Electric, and Bechtel, have offered competing plans to not only defuel the reactors but have the site cleared .. that means plants demolished .. in ten to fifteen years.

It's imporant to understand the difference between temporarily placing a plant in a storage status, which here in the US by NRC terms is called "SAFSTOR" and leaving a plant to decay permanently as it seems Chernobyl-4 will. The Fukushima Daiichi site will eventually be cleared of the plants and associated equipment, at least above ground.

1:25 PM Eastern Monday 4/18


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