Breaking News
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Info Post
Just a few notes of interest:

TEPCO has begun clearing .. or rather, moving for storage on-site .. some of the debris created and dispersed by the hydrogen explosions at the Fukushima Daiichi site. The company is using remote controlled heavy construction equipment to pick up the material and shuttle it to a safe on-site area where it will probably be stored for some time to decay. One would imagine that much of this material if not all of it will never leave the site.

In the same vein, a remotely controlled helicopter has been employed to perform flyovers at No. 1 through 4 reactor plants to assess the situation more carefully.

Water level in No. 2 pipe tunnel continues to sneak up .. perhaps roughly 1 cm per day. There are however around 90 cm left to the top.

Pressures both in vessel and in the drywell at No. 1 plant continue to increase slowly, with drywell pressure about to reach 30 psi, while core pressure readings are about 60 psi and about 122 psi.

More details later.

3:50 PM Eastern Sunday 4/10


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