Breaking News
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Info Post
JAIF has posted its 10:00 AM (Tokyo time) update of general data and plant condition and according to the feed nozzle temperature readings, all three plants are actually at the moment very slowly cooling down (looking at about the last 24 hours) now, so it must be that there was an error, or a temporary spike. It's difficult to say just what the condition of any part of the I&C equipment actually is at this point, given the environment it's being asked to work in.

However, given what little data we have it seems temperature is under control. And, to catch up on a previous trend.. Primary containment pressure at No. 1 plant has certainly stabilized, so that either there's a leak in the containment (although probably not a large one) or else whatever TEPCO is using to inject nitrogen is pumping at shutoff head and they don't know it... but we bet on the former. As apparently does NISA.

10:10 PM Eastern Thursday 4/14


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