Breaking News
Thursday, March 31, 2011
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Not much new to report coming out of Fukushima Daiichi. NISA is tardy with its reports, as is TEPCO. However, JAIF is a bit more forthcoming...

Update... a better overall BWR Mk I plant view

Here, reproduced from an ORNL report which itself used an original GE plant layout diagram is a new illustration for this blog. This is a BW...

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TEPCO survey has revealed radioactive Iodine in the ground water at Fukushima Daiichi site, near the No. 1 plant, at a level ten thousand ti...

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Some new details... Reported elsewhere and skipped here is the attempt to contain or seal contaminants at the site by spraying them with a s...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Containment, second installment

Many people have seen drawings of the containments at Fukushima Daiichi, and some terms are starting to get tossed around in the press. Furt...

Wednesday evening SITREP, and background.

Here is the latest JAIF document to be made available. There isn't much news in this, except the note of gradually increasing pressure i...

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Very little new technical data is coming out of Japan, likely because the situation is not nearly so fluid as it was before. Here are some u...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
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Here are some notes from the latest NISA (Nuclear & Industrial Safety Agency) briefing, given the morning of the 29th (Tokyo time.) No. ...

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There are not a lot of new details coming out of Fukushima Daiichi, NISA or TEPCO today... work is continuing on just a few very important ...

Monday, March 28, 2011
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We've been hoping for some solid technical data today before making any kind of post, but precious little has yet appeared. Let's l...

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Now that we've gotten some more solid data, let's talk about what's known and what it might imply (if anything) and what can be ...

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TEPCO has announced that highly contaminated water has been found in an underground pipe tunnel at the No. 2 plant - meaning that it has lea...

Sunday, March 27, 2011
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Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano has just revealed on live TV that, after briefing him on some details, NISA is having a closed door meet...

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It's the morning of the 28th in Japan, and NISA (Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency) has just given another briefing. The able Hidehi...

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There is a sliver of evidence this morning (in Tokyo, anyway) that TEPCO thinks that continued fission is NOT occurring above natural decays...

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I have been consistently non-alarmist on this blog because I myself understand what is going on at Fukushima Daiichi, at least in the big pi...

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One of our readers, Keith, has sent a link to a very good article (and a very recent one) on the BBC website, regarding radiation exposure. ...

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Updates from varied sources... The radiation field in the No. 2 plant turbine building at a location in the basement adjacent to the reactor...

Saturday, March 26, 2011
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On the news wire right now from Kyodo are some statements we already knew and one that's somewhat surprising. The "we said this...

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Although the "reports" of the enviro-militant Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization seem to make some press when they claim t...

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TEPCO is going to begin moving the water from the turbine buildings into the condenser hotwells in No. 1 and No. 2 plants. Attempts to switc...

Some interim details- CONTAINMENT

Let's take a moment, now that the constant flood of news information out of Japan has slowed down a bit, to briefly review what has happ...

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The Japanese have not been forthcoming today with a slew of technical updates; this may well be because most efforts have slowed except thos...

Friday, March 25, 2011
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Apparently the latest NISA briefing has been conducted without live television coverage being made available anywhere. This is because it...

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Further evidence that the SBO or Station Blackout accident sequence experienced by Fukushima Daiichi No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 plants may have ...

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The latest JAIF status document reflects developments and gives observations essentially identical to those presented on this site last even...

Thursday, March 24, 2011
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There is a story on the wires now that a Japanese Government panel (and I haven't figured out who that is yet) has made a statment about...

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Latest document released is the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum daily plant status report... JAIF STATUS 25 MAR 1000 Interesting to note here ...

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Well, the most alarming thing that came out of this briefing is the confirmation that the water in the No. 3 plant turbine building does in ...

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It is now the morning of the 25th of March in Japan, and the first technical updates are available before the briefings today -- which as al...

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I have no real intention of putting a lot of data on plant cleanup on here until the accident phase is over. However, while looking at a la...

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NISA (Nuclear & Industrial Safety Agency) has some new data out. REACTOR PLANT / FEEDWATER NOZZLE TEMP / REACTOR VESSEL BOTTOM HEAD TEMP...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
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Latest JAIF status includes information that No. 3 plant's containment is intact. The document also mentions a high rad area in No. 2 un...

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Just watched the NISA briefing at 10:20 Tokyo time. Some details... No. 1 plant: At 9 PM last night TEPCO began injecting water through two...

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Work stopped at Fukushima Daiichi site, due to smoke/vapor issuing from all FOUR reactor plant buildings. This is the first appearance of va...

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Radio reports are that one of the condensate or else one of the feed pumps at No. 3 plant was tested as operable before the smoke event caus...

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From a few different sources, here are a few points: Water injection to the primary plants is going to be shifted over to the normal feedwat...

Garbled, but partly readable...

Apparently something happened with the latest NISA Seismic Damage Report document, and it's kind of garbled but I can read enough of it ...